Private Plan Change 55 - Gabites Block

Status: Operative 

Private Plan Change 55 (PPC55) became fully operational on 28 July 2023.

The appeal period for PPC55 closed on 29 March 2023 and no appeals were lodged during this time. The operative date was publicly notified in the Upper Hutt Leader on 12 July 2023.


On 1 February 2023, the Council resolved to adopt the recommended decisions and to approve the Private Plan Change 55 (PPC55) with modifications. On 15 February the decision was notified. Please see supporting documents below for more information.

Both submitters and the applicant had the right to appeal the decision to the Environment Court in respect of the following:

  • A provision / matter included or excluded in the PPC55, or
  • A provision which the decisions of the Council proposed to include or exclude in the private plan change.

This is provided the person referred to the provision or matter in their submission on the private plan change.

Any Notice of Appeal must be lodged with the Environment Court within 30 working days of being served notice of the decision. The appeals process closed on 29 March 2023 with no appeals lodged.

The hearing for Private Plan Change 55 took place on 17 and 18 October 2022 - please see documents below for more details

Back in March, we received and accepted a Private Plan Change request to rezone the site at 1135 Maymorn Road, Upper Hutt (Private Plan Change 55). The proposed changes would mean the current General Rural and Rural Production zoning would be changed to a newly created Settlement Zone to allow approximately 170 – 200 residential units to be built on the site. 

The submissions closed on 5:00pm Wednesday 13 April 2022. We received fifty responses.

Further submissions opened on Wednesday 1 June 2022 and closed on Friday 17 June 2022 at 5pm. We received 3 further submissions.

We want to reiterate that private plan changes are not initiated by Council. 


The Upper Hutt City Council has received and accepted the following private plan change request to the Upper Hutt Council District Plan 2004. Private Plan Change 55 (PPC55) proposes the rezone of 74.5 hectares of land at 1135 Maymorn Road, known as ‘Gabites Block’, from its current Rural Hill and Rural Valley zoning to Settlement Zone.

The private plan change request also proposes the introduction of a “Gabites Block Development Area” for the site. The applicant is proposing a range of objectives, policies and rules that will manage future development on the site. These provisions are outlined in the Section 32 report(PDF, 2MB) and the proposed amendments(PDF, 1MB) to the Upper Hutt District Plan.

Stage Status  Documents
Operative  Plan change became operative on 28 July 2023
Decision Appeal period closed 29 March 2023
Hearing Hearing - 17 and 18 October 2022

Requestors Evidence 


Documents tabled at Hearing





Further Submissions Closed on 17 June 2022 at 5pm
Submissions Closed on 13 April 2022 at 5pm


Notified on 9 March 2022        



Who can I talk to so I can find out more?

We are mindful that you may have concerns and questions as a result of this proposed plan change. For more information, or if you have any questions or wish to discuss any matter regarding this plan change, please do not hesitate to make contact with us

Call us on (04) 527 2169 and we will arrange a call back from one of our planners.

  • Email us at
  • Arrange for a discussion meeting at a time that is convenient for you.