Official rubbish bags
Council staff have a request from Waste Management Limited (now known as WM) to remove the Council logo from the next run of rubbish bags, which will be issued in January/February 2025. This change reflects the fact that the Council no longer has a direct relationship with WM for this service.
Council-branded rubbish bags have been in use for the past 40 years. Initially, the supply and collection of these bags was managed in-house by the Council. However, in 2012, Waste Management (WM) took over the responsibility, being contracted to supply, distribute, and collect the bags. This contract ended in 2017 and was not renewed. Despite this, Waste Management has continued to supply, distribute, and collect the bags with Councils logo,
All enquiries regarding bags will go direct to WM (formally known as Waste Management). WM Contact details are phone them on 0800 10 10 10 or send them a message.
Supermarkets and dairies will use up their stocks of bags that are printed with the Upper Hutt City Council logo, and the new bags with the WM logo and contact details will come into circulation once old stock is depleted.
WM will continue to supply, distribute and collect bags, including those with the Upper Hutt City Council logo.
There will be no change in the level of service to those residents who currently use bags for kerbside rubbish disposal.
There will be no change to the collection days, with the exception of Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Official rubbish bags are coloured green and can be purchased from local supermarkets and dairies.
This collection service is funded by a ‘user pays’ system - this means that the more you recycle, the less you need to pay.
Why is the Council logo being removed from the rubbish bags?
After our contract expired with WM in 2017, our contract was not renewed. The Council no longer has a direct relationship with Waste Management for the supply and collection of rubbish bags. As a result, the logo will be removed to reflect the current arrangement.
Will the service for collecting rubbish bags change?
No, the collection service will remain the same. The only change is the removal of the Council logo from the bags. WM will continue to supply, distribute, and collect the bags.
How can I report an issue with rubbish bag collection?
Please contact WM directly for any collection-related issues. 0800 10 10 10 or send them a message here.
Why do the bags still say “official” if the Council no longer manages this service?
The term "official" has been used historically due to the Council’s involvement with the bags. Supermarkets and dairies will use up their stocks of bags that are printed with the Upper Hutt City Council logo, and the new bags with the WM logo and contact details will come into circulation once old stock is depleted.
Will there be any changes to the cost of the bags?
WM New Zealand supplies rubbish bags at an agreed wholesale price to the supermarkets and dairies, but they do not control the prices set by the stores, so the price you pay can vary from store to store.
How will residents be notified about these changes?
The Council will provide updates on the website and in local communications to ensure residents are informed.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Waste Management directly.
Public holidays
If you are using official rubbish bags, public holidays do not affect collection except for Good Friday, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
- The collection that would normally take place on Good Friday will take place the next day on Saturday.
- If your collection falls on Christmas or New Year's Day, collection will take place the Saturday after (28 December 2024 and 4 January 2025).
If you use a private wheelie bin collection provider, contact your provider for more detailed information about their public holiday collection service.
Official rubbish bag collection is managed by WM.
Please ensure rubbish bags are placed kerbside by 7AM on the morning of the collection.
Below is a general guide to collection days for official rubbish bag collection. Please note that this is a general guide only with some suburbs, such as Elderslea, Trentham and the Central Business District (CBD) being split into two areas and rubbish is collected over two days.
For more information about collection days, or the rubbish bag collection service, contact WM New Zealand Limited directly. You can phone them on (04) 568 3550 or send them a message. Alternatively, contact Council to find out the rubbish collection day for your street.
Day of week
Totara Park, Timberlea, Clouston Park, Maoribank, Kingsley Heights
Ebdentown, Te Marua, Parkdale, Birchville, Brown Owl, Emerald Hill, Central Business District, Mangaroa Valley, Whitemans Valley (Mangaroa Valley Rd to Russell Rd)
Elderslea, Wallaceville, Trentham, Heretaunga South
Poets Block, Cottle Block, Brentwood, Trentham, Heretaunga North, Riverstone Terraces
Central Business District, Silverstream, Pinehaven, Whiteman’s Valley (Russell Rd to Blue Mountains), Blue Mountains, Akatarawa, Kaitoke, Moonshine
Missed collections
For missed collections or for further information, please contact WM.