Plan Change 15 – Flood and Erosion Hazard Areas

Status: Withdrawn.

Decision to withdraw Plan Change 15

At the Council meeting of 24 February 2016, Council resolved to withdraw proposed Plan Change 15.

Public notice to withdraw Plan Change 15(PDF, 27KB) was published in the Upper Hutt Leader on Wednesday the 2nd March.

The resolution to withdraw Plan Change 15 follows a deferral of a decision on the Plan Change to enable a peer review of the modelling and technical work. In response to the peer review, Greater Wellington Regional Council has updated the model to include technical revisions.

Upper Hutt City Council proposes to start a new Plan Change process for Mangaroa using the revised flood modelling. It will include provisions for Mangaroa only.

The revised Mangaroa flood modelling and review is available to view on the Mangaroa page of the Greater Wellington website.

Proposed Plan Change No.15

Proposed Plan Change 15 [“Plan Change 15”] seeks to introduce flood and erosion hazard information for the Mangaroa River, and to update and expand flood hazard information and add erosion hazard information for the Hutt River, within the Upper Hutt City District Plan. This includes objectives, policies, rules and maps that are intended to ensure that development in these areas is managed appropriately.

Plan Change 15 proposes to identify and manage activities within a ‘Flood Hazard Area’ to be depicted on the current Planning Maps. This area will be further divided into the following four ‘sub-areas’ to be depicted on a new set of Hazard Maps: ‘River Corridor’, ‘Overflow Path’, ‘Ponding Area’ and ‘Erosion Hazard Line’.

Plan Change 15 proposes to create new, and expand existing, flood and erosion hazard information in the following chapters: 3, 8, 14, 16, 23, 30, 33, 34, 35 and the Planning Maps in Part 5 of the District Plan.

More specifically, Plan Change 15 proposes the following new rules and standards to manage activities within the ‘Flood Hazard Area’ and sub-areas:

  • One accessory building per site with a floor area of 20m2 or less to be erected within the ‘Ponding Area’ is a permitted activity.
  • Buildings and structures to be erected within the ‘Ponding Area’ are a discretionary activity.
  • Subdivision within the ‘Ponding Area’ is a discretionary activity.
  • The construction, operation, maintenance, minor upgrading, replacement and refurbishment of: transformers, water and wastewater pumping stations, telecommunication and radio communication facilities (excluding cables and lines) in the ‘Flood Hazard Area’ are a discretionary activity.
  • The storage of hazardous substances in the ‘Flood Hazard Area’ is a discretionary activity.
  • Subdivision within the ‘River Corridor’, ‘Overflow Path’ or ‘Erosion Hazard Line’ is a non-complying activity.
    Buildings and structures (including accessory buildings) to be erected within the ‘River Corridor’, ‘Overflow Path’ or ‘Erosion Hazard Line’ are a non-complying activity.
  • Earthworks within the ‘Flood Hazard Area’ will be required to meet an additional matter for discretion unless they are for flood mitigation works undertaken by a local authority on community flood protection grounds or have consent from Greater Wellington Regional Council.


Amendments to the District Plan chapters and maps, and any other relevant documents, as a result of this plan change can be found below.

Stage Documents  
Notification documents
Appendix 1

Section 32 analysis(PDF, 355KB)

Appendix 2 – Proposed changes to the District Plan Chapters


Appendix 2a – Proposed changes to objectives and policies

Chapter 3 – Zoning 
Chapter 8 – Special Activity Zone
Chapter 14 – Natural Hazards 
Chapter 16 – Utilities 

Appendix 2b – Proposed changes to rules

Chapter 23 – Rules for Earthworks and Vegetation Clearance 
Chapter 30 – Rules for Utilities 
Chapter 33 – Rules for Flooding and Fault Band Hazards 
Chapter 34 – Rules for Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land 

Appendix 2c – Proposed changes to Planning maps
Urban Planning Maps

Maps 1-10 
Maps 11-20 
Maps 21-30 
Maps 31-40 
Maps 41-50 

Urban Hazard Maps

Rural Planning Maps

Maps 1-10
Maps 11-20
Maps 21-33 

Rural Hazard Maps

Appendix 3 – Property Values Reports

Peter O’Brien 
Joszef Bognar 

Submissions and summary of submissions

Links to a summary of the received submissions, copies of the received submissions are provided above. Hard copies are available at any of the Council locations listed below.

Submission documents





Making further submissions

Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest and any person with an interest in the Plan Change greater than the interest the general public has may make a further submission in support of or opposition to any one or more of the previously received submissions. Further submissions should be made in writing and be in the prescribed form (or to the like effect).

Pre-printed further submission forms are available for this purpose and can be obtained from any of the above locations. Completed further submission forms may be lodged in any of the following ways:

Contact us

In person by delivery to: Upper Hutt City Council

 Level 2 Reception
 Civic Administration Building
 838-842 Fergusson Drive
 Upper Hutt

By mail addressed to: Proposed Plan Change No.15

Upper Hutt City Council
Private Bag 907
Upper Hutt

Faxed to: (04) 528-2652

By email addressed to: