Operative District Plan 2004

Welcome to the online version of the Upper Hutt City District Plan. Upper Hutt City Council is required to prepare a District Plan under the Resource Management Act 1991. 

The District Plan is the primary document that manages land use and development within Upper Hutt.  It contains rules that may affect you if you are preparing a land use proposal or development.  On 22 February 2023, we released our ePlan. This piece of work is required for Upper Hutt City Council to comply with part of the national planning standards for local government. The standard is set to provide improved access to the district plan rules in a standardised way across local government. Click on the button below to view our ePlan.  To optimise your experience with viewing Council's ePlan, it is recommended that you use Google Chrome.

Operative District Plan - ePlan

If you prefer to view a PDF version of the Operative Plan, click here: Operative District Plan - PDF(PDF, 15MB)

Updates to the Operative District Plan

On 6 October 2021 the National Planning Standards version of the Operative District Plan was released. This version implements National Planning Standards 1 to 13, and parts of standards 14 and 16. This version changes the layout, mapping and numbering and some terms used in the District Plan and includes consequential changes to the District Plan but does not change its meaning in any way. 

Notice of insertion of housing bottom lines to the Operative District Plan (2004)

The Upper Hutt City Council has amended the Operative District Plan (2004) to give effect to Clauses 3.6(2)(b)(i) and (ii) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (2020).

The amendments incorporate “housing bottom lines” into the District Plan, which represent the additional development capacity over the short-medium (2021-2031) and long term (2031-2051) that must be enabled to meet expected housing demand in the Upper Hutt district.

The housing bottom lines are drawn from the Council’s 2022 housing capacity update of the Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment.

Clause 3.6(4) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 requires the housing bottom lines to be inserted into the District Plan without using a process in Schedule 1 of the RMA (this means submissions cannot be made on these amendments).  The amendments are effective from 10 August 2022.

The amendments have been made under section 55(2) and (2A) (a) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This notice has been published in accordance with section 55(2A) (b) of the RMA. 

Notice of amendment to car parking provisions in the Operative District Plan (2004)

Following Central Government’s direction in Policy 11 and clause 3.38 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD), Council has amended the District Plan, removing all objectives, policies, rules, and assessment criteria (formerly) requiring a minimum number of car parks to be included in developments within Upper Hutt. These changes take effect from 18 February 2022.

It is recommended that you contact the Council and ask to speak with a Consents Planner before submitting your resource consent application. If you have a planning query please contact Council on 04 527 2169 or by email at resourceconsents@uhcc.govt.nz or by visiting the Council Service Centre.

The previous version of the Operative District Plan can be accessed below.

Non-Planning Standards District Plan 2004(PDF, 16MB)

Planning Maps

Please note: You can view the online version of the National Planning Standards version of the planning maps in our Online Maps gallery

The PDF maps have been updated to give effect to the National Planning Standards, and are viewable in the below table. 

 Planning Maps

Our Planning maps display the District Plan zones and precincts, as well as designations and other features such as notable trees and urban tree groups.

 Urban Planning Maps(PDF, 672KB)
 Rural Planning Maps(PDF, 203KB)

 Southern Hills Maps

These maps display the southern hills overlay and protected ridgelines.


 Urban Southern Hills Maps(PDF, 28MB)
 Rural Southern Hills Maps(PDF, 7MB)

 Hazard Maps

The Hazard Maps display identified flood extents, erosion hazard areas, high voltage powerlines, and the fault band.  

 Urban Hazard Maps(PDF, 27MB)
 Rural Hazard Maps(PDF, 7MB)

The previous version of the Planning Maps can be viewed below: