Plan Change 44 – Temporary Events

Public notice of Operative Date publicised on 13 June 2018, notifying the operative date as 20 June 2018.

Decision notified on 25 April 2018 (effective 26 April 2018), with the appeal period ending on 8 June 2018 at 5pm.

Further Submissions closed on the 21 March 2018.

The Resource Management Act 1991 (the Act) requires a review of all District Plan provisions to be commenced within 10 years of their enactment. Proposed Plan Change 44 – Temporary Events (PC 44) therefore acts as a review of temporary event provisions since their introduction to the Plan in 2009. This Plan Change also responds to clause 1.4.3 of the District Plan to provide a more functional District Plan. Schedule 1 of the Act describes the procedure for a Plan Change and the process required to publicly notify any Plan Change. This Plan Change has been conducted in accordance with Schedule 1.

PC 44 seeks to update related objectives and provisions within the District Plan to current best practice standards. These proposed changes are in response to how event organisers currently manage events, issues which have been identified in the evaluation of current provisions, and historic consenting. These changes include:

  • Creating a new ‘General Rules’ chapter (8A) to capture all minor District Wide rules, with the inclusion of a Temporary Events sub-section;
  • Updating temporary event Objectives and Policies to consider more specific temporary event matters and acknowledge the positive influence events can have on communities;
  • Updating rules to be clearer and to provide a tiered consenting threshold for non-compliances; and
  • Adding new rules and associated definitions for event-related camping (overnighting), light spill, noise standards, duration, and high noise levels.

The proposed Plan Change recommends substantive changes to:

  • Chapter 2 (Definitions);
  • Chapter 15 (Environmental Quality),
  • Chapter 25A (Temporary Events) by way of removal; and
  • the insertion of the new Chapter 8A (General Rules), with a sub-section for temporary events.

The proposed changes also seek to update all District Plan references to Chapter 25A, resulting in minor amendments to the following chapters:

  •  Chapter 18: Residential Rules;
  •  Chapter 19: Rural Rules;
  •  Chapter 20: Business Zone Rules;
  •  Chapter 21: Open Space Zone Rules;
  •  Chapter 22: Special Activity Zone Rules; and
  •  Chapter 32: Rules for Noise and Vibration.

Minor Amendment to Proposed Chapter 8A – Clause 16(2)

A minor amendment was made to proposed Chapter 8A on 23 February 2018 in accordance with Clause 16(2) of the Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The amendment relates to noise level rules (8A.2.3.9, 8A.2.3.10, 8A.2.3.21) and clarifies the methodology of noise measurement. A minor amendment has also been made to update rule numbering to align with the chapter’s rule structure. Chapter 8A has been updated in the documentation below.


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All PC 44 material

All PC 44 material, including the Public Notification Notice, is available below.


Stage Status Documents


Notification Documents

Proposed Changes to District Plan Chapters


Submission Documents



Decision Documents

Decision Chapters

Decision chapters are provided above with all notified text shown as underlined with any changes made post-notification as double-underlined.