Plan Change 54 - Industrial Chapters Review
Update to draft Plan Change 54 as a result of Government direction
The changes announced by the Government means that some of the areas proposed for rezoning under draft Plan Change 54 will be able to progress under the Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI). In particular the following rezonings and associated district plan provisions can be included into the IPI:
- Rezoning sites to City Centre Zone .
- Rezoning sites to Town Centre Zone.
- Rezoning sites to Local Centre Zone.
- Rezoning sites to Neighbourhood Centre Zone.
- Rezoning some sites to Mixed Use Zone.
The other areas proposed to be rezoned under draft Plan Change 54 to Mixed Use Zone and Industrial Zone will need to progress via their own separate plan change using the ordinary plan change process under the RMA.
We’re in the process of reviewing and updating the commercial and industrial chapters of our District Plan. This is called Plan Change 54 (PC54).
Plan Change 54 proposes the introduction of six new commercial and industrial zones. The proposed new zones will bring some changes to what can and can’t be done on commercially zoned properties.
The key changes we are proposing include:
- Replacing the existing three Commercial and Industrial Zones with five new Commercial Zones and one new Industrial Zone.
- Introducing a set of zones that establish a commercial centres hierarchy
- Providing for more intensive higher-density development within commercial zones
- Introducing more distinct zones with specific characters
- Stronger consideration of adverse effects on City Centre Zone
- Stronger focus on Active Street Frontages and attractive public spaces
- Stronger protection of Industrial areas from encroaching non-industrial activities.
The feedback we received during pre-notification consultation in November and December 2021 enables us to review the proposal and make any important changes before we begin the formal plan change process in mid 2022.
Interactive online map viewer
Take a look at our interactive online map viewer, or click the image below where you can zoom in and see the position of the proposed commercial and industrial zones in relation to a specific property.
Plan Change 54 proposes the introduction of the following Commercial and Industrial Zones
Full draft proposals for the new Commercial and Industrial Zones are available below, along with factsheets for each of the zones.
City Centre Zone
The City Centre Zone is the primary commercial centre of the city that provides for a wide range of commercial and community activities and offers employment and living opportunities. It is characterised by high-density development and attractive public spaces.
City Centre Fact sheet(PDF, 136KB)
City Centre Zone Provisions(PDF, 156KB)
Town Centre Zone
The Town Centre Zone applies to the Silverstream commercial centre, located to the south of Silverstream Station. It provides for a wide range of activities, including retail, services, community and health care facilities as well as residential activities. It services the surrounding residential catchment along with neighbouring suburbs and is characterised by high density development
Town Centre fact sheet(PDF, 123KB)
Town Centre Zone Provisions(PDF, 198KB)
Local Centre Zone
The Local Centre Zone applies to small to medium scale commercial centres that provide services to the surrounding residential catchment. Local Centres are usually located within medium to high density residential environments and cover a wider range of retail and services. The built environment is well aligned with the medium to high densities of the surrounding residential areas.
Local Centre Fact sheet(PDF, 162KB)
Local Centre Zone Provisions(PDF, 196KB)
Neighbourhood Centre Zone
The Neighbourhood Centre Zone applies to small scale commercial centres and sites that service the needs of the immediate residential neighbourhood. These are typically located in lower density neighbourhoods, consist of 1 – 3 small businesses (such as dairies or takeaways) and reflect the low to medium density of the surrounding residential area.
Neighbourhood Centre Fact sheet(PDF, 109KB)
Neighbourhood Centre Zone Provisions(PDF, 166KB)
Mixed Use Zone
The Mixed Use Zone applies to areas that provide for a wide variety of activities ranging from residential over retail and commercial to light industrial. It allows for vehicle-focused activities such as service stations and drive-through restaurants as well as big-box retail.
Mixed Use Fact sheet(PDF, 109KB)
Mixed Use Zone Provisions(PDF, 221KB)
The General Industrial Zone applies to areas that provide for industrial activities and directly related ancillary activities (such as retail of products produced on site, caretaker accommodation and on-site offices) while discouraging and restricting most non-industrial activities. It is characterised by large sites and large footprint buildings.
General Industrial Fact sheet(PDF, 273KB)
General Industrial Zone Provisions(PDF, 150KB)
A comparison table showing the proposed provisions for each of the zones (side-by-side) and a summary of the relevant draft definitions for PC54 can be found here:
Zone Comparison Table(PDF, 200KB)
Definitions(PDF, 146KB)
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Why are we doing this?
The Resource Management Act requires Councils to re-evaluate their District Plan every 10 years. The commercial and industrial zone chapters have not been reviewed since 2004 and therefore are due for re-evaluation.
We’re required to do this review and plan change to align with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020. The change will also align with National Planning Standards and the Regional Policy Statement(PDF, 2MB).
What are the proposed changes?
The current commercial and industrial zone chapters are replaced by six new commercial and industrial zone chapters. Each of these chapters contains a set of indicative objectives, policies, and rules (called provisions). The draft proposed provisions can be found here:
City Centre Zone Provisions,
Town Centre Zone Provisions,
Local Centre Zone Provisions,
Neighbourhood Centre Zone Provisions,
Mixed Use Zone Provisions,
General Industrial Zone Provisions
These provisions have been developed to help impacted property owners understand the proposed new framework. These provisions are only draft and are subject to change, depending on the feedback we receive.
The proposed spatial extent of the commercial and industrial zones can be viewed here: Interactive online map viewer
Who can I talk to so I can find out more?
If you have any questions or want to find out more, then please contact us. Our administrator can arrange a call back from one of our planners.
- Telephone: (04) 527 2169
- Email: