Building consent complaints
How to make a complaint about a building consent process or decision.
Making a complaint
If you're not happy and wish to make a complaint about a building consent process or decision – you can make a formal complaint to the Building Control Services Manager.
How to make a complaint
You can make a formal complaint by phone, in person or in writing.
(Please note that where complaints are received verbally, the complainant is asked to put the complaint in writing).
What to include
When making a formal complaint, please include:
- your first and last name
- your phone number
- your address
- a detailed description of your complaint
- any Council reference numbers you have that relate to the problem, such as your service request or building consent number
- the names of any Council staff you have been dealing with
- copies of any relevant letters, photographs or emails.
Related Information - MBIE guidance on making a complaint
What happens next
You will be advised within 5 working days that your complaint has been received and you will be provided a timeframe within which it will be investigated. Results of the investigation will be provided within two weeks, unless the nature of the complaint is such that further time is requested.
What if you don’t agree with the result
You have the right to appeal if you do not agree with the result. You can also request a review of the decision. Appeals and review requests need to be made in writing, setting out the reasons why you disagree with the decision.
Appeals and review requests should be addressed to:
Director of Planning and Regulatory Services
Upper Hutt City Council
HAPAI Service Centre
879-881 Fergusson Drive
Private Bag 907
Upper Hutt 5140
New Zealand
If you and the council can’t agree on whether building work complies with the Building Code or the council has made a decision that you disagree with, you may be able to apply for a determination.
Determinations explains what these are and when they might be an appropriate resolution option.