Body-worn cameras

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Body-worn cameras are being introduced for use by Council on 30 January 2023. 

A body-worn camera is a wearable video recording device which includes a camera, microphone and data storage and are a common tool used by many regulatory and enforcement agencies across New Zealand. 

Council staff experience aggression-related incidents in their roles when performing duties such as animal control and parking enforcement. 

Body-worn cameras allow us to

  • Keep our team and the people they visit / engage with safe. 
  • Deter verbal threats and physical violence towards our staff. 
  • Improve transparency and accountability. 
  • Enable complaints to be fully investigated and resolved. 

Body-worn camera footage

  • Body-worn cameras are always ‘on’, but not always recording. Staff will start recording when there is an imminent health and safety risk. Camera’s use a ‘Pre-record’ mode. Pre-record means that although video is being captured, it is not being stored. The only time this video is stored is if a staff member starts recording. The last 30 seconds of video is clipped to the recording to add context to the video (e.g. how a situation unfolded prior to the staff member pressing record). 30 seconds was selected to ensure we don’t store any more information that what is required. As part of our ongoing review processes, if changes are made to this Pre-record duration, we’ll update this information accordingly.
  • When recording on private property, or in a commercial building not usually open to the public, staff will advise that the camera is recording and get consent.  
  • Staff are not required to advise that the body-worn camera is recording or seek consent when in a public place, on private or commercial property usually open to the public, when using a camera mounted on a car dash or when exercising power of entry. 
  • The body-worn camera has a front-facing screen, so the person being visited can see what is being recorded. 
  • Body-worn camera footage can be used as evidential material for any incidents. 
  • The footage is securely stored on Council systems and only a limited number of authorised staff within council can access the footage. 
  • Requesting body-worn camera footage: 
    • You can request a copy of footage recorded by a body-worn camera. Council will consider requests on a case-by-case basis, following the Privacy Act 2020 or Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. 
    • For more information on making a request, visit Official Information Requests


Privacy is important to us, and we follow the Privacy Act 2020 in the way we collect, use, store and release body-worn camera footage. Our Privacy Statement reflects the use of body-worn cameras.