Object to an Alcohol Licence

Who can object to a licence

Any person may object to an application for the grant or renewal of a licence, whether as an individual or as a representative of a group or an organisation.

However, a trade competitor may object to an application only if the trade competitor is directly affected by the application in a way that does not relate to —

  • trade competition; or
  • the effects of trade competition; and

A person may not object to an application if the person receives, or is likely to receive, direct or indirect help from a trade competitor to object to the application.

What can you object about

You can object to an alcohol licence based on (and only on) any of the following criteria:

  • The object of the Act
  • Suitability of the applicant
  • Any relevant local alcohol policy
  • The days and hours of sale
  • The design and layout of premises
  • The sale of goods other than alcohol and refreshments.
  • The provision of other services not related to the sale of alcohol and refreshments.
  • Whether amenity and good order of the area would be substantially reduced.
  • The undesirability of further licences where amenity and good order have already been reduced.
  • Whether the applicant has systems, staff and training to comply with the law.
  • Any matters reported by the Police, an inspector or the Medical Officer of Health.

For new licence applications, where the premises already has a licence of the same kind (because of a change in ownership), your objection can only relate to suitability of the applicant. This is covered in s.102 (4A) of the Act.

You can find more information about what you can object to, and how to make an objection, on the Health Promotion Agency website.

How to make an objection

Objections can be submitted by post or email:

You need to include the following information in your objection:

  • the name and location of the proposed premises
  • why you have an interest that is greater than the general public
  • your reasons for objecting
  • your name, address and contact details
  • your signature.

Objections must be filed within 25 working days after the public notice appears in the newspaper. Working days do not include:

  • weekends
  • public holidays
  • the dates 20 December to 15 January inclusive.

What happens once you've made an objection

  1. We’ll contact you to let you know we've received your objection.
  2. A copy of your objection in its entirety will be provided to the applicant, Licensing Inspector, Police and Medical Officer of Health.