Apply for a Certificate of Use

If you are planning to apply for an alcohol licence and do not have a current Certificate of Use, you will have to apply for a Certificate of Use first. This certificate is required to be attached to your alcohol licence application. This also applies to people taking over an existing licensed premise.

Please complete an online application and make the necessary payment before proceeding with your alcohol licence application.

Before you apply

Before you apply, you should ensure that:

  • The premises does not require a Resource Consent
  • There is no pending Code Compliance Certificate to be issued for the building
  • The building does have a current warrant of fitness

Information required to complete this application includes:

  • A plan which includes nearby streets showing the level of the building and the precise location of the proposed licensed premises within that level.
  • A written statement from the building’s owner consenting to the applicant selling liquor on the premises.
  • A current copy of the relevant Certificate of Title. You can obtain this here.

Payment and processing

Fees vary.  You can check which fees apply to you here.

Once we have received your application, we will invoice you the appropriate fee.

When your payment has been received, your application will be processed.

Once your application has been processed, if approved, we will send you your Certificate of Use.

How to apply

Please complete the following form and send it to us with your supporting documentation.

Certificate of Use application form(PDF, 160KB)

Find out more

Building Officer