Find out how to register your dog

1. Overview

Your dog must be registered by the time it is three months old. From the age of three months, fees are calculated proportionally for the year.

Dog registration pays for monitoring and enforcing the Dog Control Act and Dog Control Bylaw, responding to and investigating complaints (including attacks, dog rushes, domestic pets, attacks on stock and wildlife, barking nuisances, roaming, lost and found dogs), supporting the Lower Hutt hosted pound facility, patrolling public areas, reserves and parks and providing education, signage and community safety.

All dogs registered from 1 July 2006 are also required to be microchipped. The dog register provides us with information on your dog and your contact details, which can help us and you if your dog goes missing. The register is also used to keep record of any dog incidents, including attacks, for us to help keep Upper Hutt a safe place to live. 

Read full and complete information on policy and fees associated with dogs and dog control in Upper Hutt(PDF, 166KB)

2. Registration (includes dog transfers)

Renew (continue) your current registration

Registration forms are sent mid-June each year direct to you and payment is required by the 1st of August. By registering on time, you will be charged a discounted rate. Once payment is made your dog/s tag will be posted to you. Please allow up to two weeks to receive your tag.

New registration

If you have a new puppy or have recently moved your dog to Upper Hutt, please complete this form to start the registration process. Alternatively you can come to Upper Hutt City Council and register in person.

New dog registration form

3. Payment


Pay your dog registration online

Internet Banking (our bank account details)

To make a payment to the Upper Hutt City Council you must access your bill payment details through your own banking system.

You can use the templates set up in your internet banking by searching for Upper Hutt City Council. There are two templates set up, one for Rates, and one for Dog Registration.

Alternatively you can make the payment using the details below.

Bank account details for the Upper Hutt City Council are:

ANZ Upper Hutt: 01-0771-0018890-03

You will find your Account ID either above the ‘Dog details section’ top right-hand side box next to the owner number.

4. Dog Tags

Dog tags are issued after we have received your completed registration form and payment. You will be sent a disc or tag, depending on what you received last year. If you would like to change your preference, please let us know by contacting Animal Control Services. Replacement discs can be purchased for $5.00.

When you register your dog the following information about the dog and the dogs owner is required:

Owner details
Dog details
  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Breed
  • Colour/s
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Name
  • Spayed/neutered (Council requires proof of de-sexing, such as a certificate issued by a veterinarian certifying that the dog has been neutered for you to claim a discount on your registration fee)
  • Microchip number (you must microchip your dog and supply the number to Council within two months of registering your dog)