We usually check in with landowners about overhanging vegetation. This year, instead of an official assessment, we just want to take a moment to remind everyone how important it is to trim back shrubs, hedges, and trees.
In this section
Public hearings were set by an independent Commissioner panel.
Below are the recordings of each of the sessions
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 1 (Part 1)
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 1 (Part 2)
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 2 (Part 1)
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 2 (Part 2)
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 3
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 4
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 5 (part 1)
Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) Hearing - Day 5 (part 2)
More information
You can read the full details about Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) here.
If you have any questions, please contact planning@uhcc.govt.nz