About the District Plan

The District Plan is made up of four parts:

Part 1 – Introduction and General Provisions

Provides an explanation on how the Plan is set out and how to use it. It also contains information on how the Plan is administered, the provisions that apply to the processing of resource consents, the designation of land, monitoring and review of the Plan, and the definitions of a number of terms and words used in the Plan.

Part 2 – District-wide Matters

Provides the Strategic direction and objectives, policies, rules and standards that apply to all zones in the City. This includes general district wide matters, such as noise, light, air quality, energy, infrastructure, transport, hazards, historical and cultural values, natural environmental values and subdivision provisions.

Part 3 – Area-Specific Matters

All of the land in the Upper Hutt district is zoned according to the type of environmental outcome sought for each particular area with some areas having further details for specific precincts within the zones. Part 3 of the plan sets out the different zones in the district and how actual and potential adverse effects of activities on the environment will be managed. These chapters deal specifically with the Residential, Rural, Commercial and Mixed Use, Open Space and Special Activities zones. These Chapters provide the objectives policies, rules and standards for these zones in addition to the district-wide provisions.

Part 3 also provides the details of the designations within the District and the development plans for the Wallaceville Structure Plan Area and the Mt Marua Structure plan Area.

Part 4 – Appendices and Maps

Appendices currently include the Design Guide for the Residential Centres Precinct.

Maps provide the zoning for each property within the city. They also identify designations, heritage features, faults, notable trees, protected ridgelines, rivers/streams and flood hazard areas. 

The Ministry for the Environment has produced a booklet that explains what the Resource Management Act does, how it works and how it affects you in your daily life. Learn more about the Resource Management Act by reading "Understanding the RMA and how to get involved"