Pinehaven Stream improvements

  • Completion Date01 March 2024
Pinehave Streamworks.jpeg

On behalf of Greater Wellington and Upper Hutt City Council, Wellington Water is undertaking a phased programme of works to upgrade and increase the capacity of the Pinehaven Stream to reduce flood risk to the surrounding area.

The project works will be focused on key flooding areas around Blue Mountains Road, Sunbrae Drive, Whitemans Road, Pinehaven Road, Birch Grove, Pinehaven Reserve, and Chichester Drive, Upper Hutt.

By making the stream wider and deeper, the goal is to provide capacity in the stream for a 1 in 25-year return period flood event. So, property owners can expect the capacity of the stream to be five times greater than now.

Phase 1 - complete

Work to upgrade two culverts within the Pinehaven Stream that form the road crossings on Sunbrae Drive and Pinehaven Road was completed in early 2022. The Phase 1 works included:

  • Replacing the existing culverts with larger culverts and headwalls that meet current seismic and roading standards
  • A new roundabout at the Pinehaven Road/Blue Mountains Road intersection
  • New footpaths, fencing and planting.
  • The removal of 48 Blue Mountains Road and 4 Sunbrae Drive. This property was identified as  flood prone during investigations into flood protection and GWRC acquired it as part of that project.
  • After the removal of the house the land was levelled and grassed as a temporary measure before the Phase 2 works start.

    Read more on our project webpage.

Phase 2

Phase 2 stream improvements, funded for $5 million, will begin in 2023 in the Willow Park area immediately downstream of the Phase 1 works and will include:

  • Widening the section of stream through Willow Park from Sunbrae Drive to Blue Mountains Road.
  • Building new retaining walls immediately downstream of the Sunbrae culvert.
  • Widening the stream banks (without retaining walls) further downstream, where there is more space available.
  • Removing the existing pedestrian bridge over Pinehaven Stream at Willow Park and replacing it with a new pedestrian and cycle bridge linking to 4 Sunbrae Drive.
  • Improving the pedestrian path through Willow Park.
  • New and replacement planting of native trees and plants.
  • Upgrading the junction where Pinehaven Stream joins Hulls Creek (by the Silverstream Railway Station) to make it easier for fish and eels to travel between the two watercourses

For more information about this project, go to



Contact details


Willow Park from Sunbrae Drive to Blue Mountains Road, Pinehaven   View Map

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