We usually check in with landowners about overhanging vegetation. This year, instead of an official assessment, we just want to take a moment to remind everyone how important it is to trim back shrubs, hedges, and trees.
Published on 09 May 2022
We have been planning to install an alternative bridge and then repair and refurbish the old Beechwood Lane Bridge.
While it is still in use, its condition has deteriorated. You can read more about the bridge and the work we have done so far on our project web page.
Every month for the last two years, we’ve been carrying out safety inspections to monitor its condition, and we’re now ready to make some immediate improvements to it before the alternative bridge is installed.
Here’s what you need to know
We’ll continue to keep you updated as we work through this project, and plan to share photos and other content on our project web page.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch with our Customer Service team at askus@uhcc.govt.nz or call 04 527 2169.