Open Space Strategy

Council adopted the Open Space Strategy 2018-2028(PDF, 3MB)  in February 2018. The Strategy recognises the value and contribution open space makes towards the quality of life in Upper Hutt.

The Strategy is the overarching, long-term planning document that will help Council manage, plan and develop parks, reserves and open spaces for the current and future needs of our community.

The five strategic goals of the Strategy are:

  1. Our open spaces are appropriately located.

  2. Our open spaces meet the needs of the community and more people benefit from regularly using them.

  3. Our open spaces are accessible and well connected, making it easier for people to exercise, play, socialise and relax outdoors.

  4. Our open spaces are enhanced to provide benefits for the environment and recreational experience.

  5. Our open spaces contribute to community identity, vibrancy and sense of place.

For the purpose of the Strategy, open space is land that is, or should be, set aside for public recreation, that the community has a relatively free right of access to.

High quality parks, open spaces, and streets can create vibrant town centres and suburbs. Some of the most obvious functions come from use as a venue for sport and recreation, an essential part of many people’s lives. Less obvious, are the ways in which open space influences and contributes to the health and wellbeing of our community.

There is a growing understanding about the importance of the relationship between green space and wellbeing, the interdependence of people and their surroundings, and how participation in recreation, physical activity and sport has wide ranging physical health, social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits.