Bylaws (Ture ā-Rohe)

A bylaw is a type of regulation made by a local authority, such as the Upper Hutt City Council.

Bylaws help make our city a safe and healthy place.

Bylaws are usually made to cover one or more of the following purposes:

(a) protecting the public from nuisance:
(b) protecting, promoting, and maintaining public health and safety:
(c) minimising the potential for offensive behaviour in public places.

Appearance Industry Bylaw 2022

Appearance Industry Bylaw 2022(PDF, 1MB)

The goal of this bylaw is to help reduce the severity and number of injuries which may be caused by the following treatments: 

Tattooing, Body Piercing, Acupuncture, Hair Removal, Waxing, Tweezing or Threading, Electrolysis, Red Vein Treatment and Derma Rolling/Stamping, Exfoliation, Manicure, Pedicure, Pulsed Light and Laser Treatment, and Extractions. 

This bylaw covers anyone offering these treatments, which might be carried out at beauty salons, cosmetic clinics, spas, shops, or by mobile and/or home-operators.   

The bylaw comes into effect on 1 July 2022, and operators have until 1 July 2023 to register with Council and complete any necessary improvements to their premises and/or processes. 

Control of Temporary Signs Bylaw 2018

Control of Temporary Signs Bylaw 2018(PDF, 4MB)

This Bylaw aims to:

  1. allow temporary signs to be erected or displayed in locations that are visible from public places as of right, without the need to obtain prior Council permission, where the requirements of the Bylaw are satisfied;
  2. ensure that temporary signs are appropriately erected, maintained and displayed in locations that are visible from public places so that they do not present a hazard or danger to public safety, and to ensure the maintenance of aesthetic standards; and
  3. where a temporary sign is subject to, but does not comply with, the requirement/s of the Bylaw, allows an application to be made to the Council for an exemption from compliance with the Bylaw.

Dog Control Bylaw 2004

Dog Control Bylaw 2004(PDF, 99KB)

This Bylaw covers:

  • Control of menacing dogs
  • Limit the number of Dogs permitted (depending on where you live, and how you can apply for a permit to keep more dogs)
  • Show where Dogs can be exercised in public places, and must be kept on a leash
  • Cleaning up after your Dog
  • Standards for keeping Dogs
  • Probationary and Responsible Dog Owners
  • Barking Dogs
  • Applying for a Dog Licence

Hutt Valley Trade Wastes Bylaw 2016

Hutt Valley Trade Wastes Bylaw 2016(PDF, 383KB)

The purpose of this Bylaw is to:

a. Control trade wastes discharges into the wastewater system to:

i. Protect the wastewater system

ii. Promote cleaner production

iii. Protect the stormwater system

iv. Protect workers operating in or with the wastewater system

v. Protect the environment by ensuring compliance with the Resource Management Act 1991 - in particular, ensuring the necessary resource consent requirements for the wastewater system are met.

b. Provide a basis for:

i. Consenting and monitoring discharges from industry and trade premises;

ii. Charging trade waste users of the wastewater system to cover the cost of conveying, treating and disposing of or reusing their wastes; and

c. Ensure that the costs of treatment and disposal are shared fairly between trade waste and domestic wastewater dischargers.

Keeping of Stock, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2005

Keeping of Stock, Poultry and Bees Bylaw 2005(PDF, 137KB)

This bylaw covers what animals may be kept in the residential/urban areas of Upper Hutt City.

 The reason for this is to:

  • Protect the public from nuisance
  • Protect, promote and maintain public health
  • Maintain the urban environment

Liquor Control Bylaw 2007

 Liquor Control Bylaw 2007(PDF, 754KB)

This Bylaw aims to control the consumption and possession of liquor in public places in and around the CBD. 

It also sets out a method for obtaining exemptions.

Signs are erected to let people know which areas are affected by this bylaw.

Prevention of Nuisance from Fires and Smoke Bylaw 2019

Prevention of Nuisance from Fires and Smoke Bylaw 2019(PDF, 385KB)

This bylaw aims to:

  • Protect the public from nuisance related to fires and smoke; and
  • Protect and maintain public health and safety around fires and smoke (other than those aspects controlled by the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017). 

Public Places Bylaw 2005

Public Places Bylaw 2005(PDF, 171KB)

This Bylaw aims to regulate and control a diverse range of activities that can be carried out in Public Places, to ensure that acceptable standards of convenience, safety, visual amenity and civic values are maintained for the wellbeing and enjoyment of the community. 

  • Public Safety
  • Access & Vehicles
  • Damage and use of Public Places
  • Trading in Public Places
  • Assembly
  • Barbed wire & Electric fences
  • Animals in Public Places

Silverstream Liquor Control Bylaw 2007

Silverstream Liquor Control Bylaw 2007(PDF, 348KB)

This Bylaw aims to control the consumption and possession of liquor in public places in Silverstream. 

It also sets out a method for obtaining exemptions.

Signs are erected to let people know which areas are affected by this bylaw.

Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2020

Solid Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2020(PDF, 306KB)

To support Council's Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, we recently adopted a new bylaw which helps to minimise the amount of waste going to landfill.

This came into effect on 25 January 2021, but some sections of it will come into effect at a later date. 

See our solid waste bylaw guidance page for more information and guidance on how this might affect you, and how to comply with the bylaw's requirements.

Speed Limits Bylaw 2005 - Revoked

Previously, we had a bylaw which specified speed limits on certain roads in our district.

On 3 August 2022 Council revoked its Speed Limit Bylaw, as we now use the National Speed Limits Register to manage speed limits on local roads in Upper Hutt.

Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2005

Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2005(PDF, 334KB)

This bylaw aims to set in place controls for the purposes:

  • Taxi stands
  • Loading zones
  • Mobility parking
  • Zone parking
  • Clearways
  • Cycle lanes/paths
  • Reserved Parking areas and Resident parking
  • One-way roads

Unoccupied Commercial Premises Bylaw 2013

Unoccupied Commercial Premises Bylaw 2013(PDF, 218KB)

Council is conscious that if Unoccupied Commercial Premises are allowed to fall into disrepair, or are not maintained to immediately tenantable standards, they undermine public health and safety, increase the potential for offensive behaviour in public places, and expose the public to nuisance.

This bylaw aims to protect the public from nuisance, protect, promote and maintain public health and safety and minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places by setting standards for the maintenance of Unoccupied Commercial Premise

Water Supply Bylaw 2008

Water Supply Bylaw 2008(PDF, 623KB)

The Water Supply Bylaw was introduced to help manage and protect our drinking water supplies:

(a) Protect the health and safety of people using the water supply network

(b) Protect the land, structures or infrastructure associated with the public water supply from damage, misuse and interference

(c) Assist in the provision of reliable, safe and efficient water supply in Upper Hutt

(d) Regulate the water supply.




The Local Government Act 2002 (Act) allows Council to make bylaws.

The Act requires that the Council has first determined that a bylaw is the most appropriate way of addressing the particular problem, and it then prescribes the procedure for making a bylaw.

The Act also requires Council to review its bylaws every five or ten years.

The process to introduce a new bylaw, or amend or revoke an existing  bylaw, can be summarised as follows:

  1. We might initiate a bylaw review because of changes in central government legislation, or new issues and concerns coming to light.  We will engage with key stakeholders to get a better understanding of these issues, along with some potential solutions.  This will help to identify gaps in the current process, which might require a new or amended bylaw.
  2. We will then present some options to Councillors for discussion, outlining the advantages and disadvantages or risks of each option.  Following this, a draft proposal is presented to Council - once agreed, it is published for public consultation.
  3. We then consult with the wider community, to gather feedback on the proposal.  Notification of this consultation is made in The Upper Hutt Leader newspaper, on the Council’s website and Facebook page, and hard-copies of the proposal are also provided at all Council buildings (Reception, both Libraries, Whirinaki Whara Taonga Arts Centre).  Feedback can be provided online, via paper forms, or in-person.
  4. Council will then consider all feedback, and may choose to adopt the bylaw (which may or may not include some changes as a result of the feedback).




  • Every few years, Council will review each bylaw to see if it is still required, and up-to-date.  The review process follows the same steps as before.


The consequences of a person not complying with a bylaw might be fines, seizure of property and criminal prosecution.

Bylaws can be enforced by Council staff or external agencies such as the New Zealand Police.