Building services fees and charges

The fees and charges below apply to building services.

All fees are stated as GST inclusive and are effective from 1 July 2024. Council reserves the right to review any fees and charges at any time. Please check with us for any updates.

Where the actual fees incurred by Council are higher than the fees shown, actual costs will be charged.

If a fee or charge for a Council service is not specifically listed below the charge or fee will be the total of the actual cost of materials, officer time incurred to provide the service, and GST.

Base fee 
The base fee is calculated on the estimated building costs (labour and materials). inclusive of GST.  
  •  $0.00 - $5,000 of estimated building costs
  •  $5,001 - $15,000 of estimated building costs
5.9% plus $17.16
  •  $15,001 - $200,000 of estimated building costs
0.58% plus $806.58
  • $200,001 and greater of estimated building costs
0.191% plus $1765.69
Exceptions to the base fee are amendments, fire units and alternative solutions  
a.  Amendments (includes one hour processing and the audit fee)  additional time charged at $200.00/hour $260.00

b.  Fire units

      i.  Freestanding - one inspection, one hour administration

     ii.  In-built - two inspections





Note: Fire unit fees cover; allocated processing and inspection, the audit fee, and certification
c.  Alternative solutions and bespoke design   cost recovery
External review of specific design reports, fire reports, alternative solutions, and advice from NZ Fire Service Commission  at cost

NOTE: All fire reports are subject to review. In most cases fire reports are sent to our consultant reviewer and costs will be charged to the applicant. Where fire reports are reviewed in-house, a charge of $220.00/hour applies.

Activity fee (where applicable)
Audit fee applies to all applications
 Simpli portal and GoGet processing/inspection fee (applies to all applications)   $160.00
Completeness check fee applies to all applications for consents and certificates (includes half hour administration fee) additional time charged at cost recovery rates   $65.00
Application scanning and data entry fees   at cost

Certification fee applies to all applications for building work

(includes 1 hour technical time, additional time charged at cost)

Site inspection fees per inspection $220.00
 Commercial inspection charge (additional to final inspection when specified systems are included in scope of works) per hour  $220.00

Review of old consent files for certification decisions (includes 1 hour of processing)

Base fee (includes up to 1 hour processing) $220 per hour thereafter

additional time charged at cost recovery rates $290.00

Note: Depending on the type of building project the number of inspections will vary. The estimated number of inspections is charged at the application stage, additional fees will be recovered if extra inspections are required.

Levy fee applies only to consents $20,000 or more in value
BRANZ levy (this levy is not subject to GST)
0.1% value of work

Building levy [applies to consents $65,000 (including GST) or more in value]

Note: For staged projects, levies are assessed on the total project value.

$1.75 per $1,000.00 or part thereof
District Plan/Resource Consent Check (30 minutes)   $104.00 



 Administration and pre-application meetings    
Pre-application meetings: consent officer/expert/compliance officer (2 hours total officer time free, then charged per hour)   $220.00 
Administration fee for refunds on cancelled, lapsed or superseded consents    $70.00
 Administration fee (other), hourly rate   $140.00 


Project Information Memorandum (PIM)
Simple residential Project Information Memorandum
Multi-residential and commercial Project Information memorandum $670.00
Fees for other applications
Certificate of Acceptance application 

plus base fees and levies

(includes 2 hours processing and 1 inspection. Additional charges based on cost recovery rates)

Certificate of Public Use application (includes 1 hour processing and 1 inspection and 30 mins admin) (Additional charges based on cost recovery rates) $510.00
National multiple-use application (includes 3 hours processing and 30 mins admin) (Additional charges based on cost recovery rates) $745.00
 Schedule 1 Territorial Authority discretionary exemption – Minor works  (includes 1 hour of processing 1 hour admin) (Additional charges based on cost recovery rates) $340.00 
Schedule 1 Territorial Authority discretionary exemption  Major works (includes 3 hours of processing 1 hour admin)


Owner supplied information -  (includes 1 hour of processing) additional time charged at cost recovery rates $207.00
 Receipt and filing of records from another authority   $70.00
 S72 Natural Hazard Certificate and s75 Building over Two Lots Certificate (up to 2 hours)


Building Warrant of Fitness
BWOF 1-2 Specified systems includes 30 mins processing $110.00
 BWOF 2-8+ Specified systems includes 1 hour processing  $220.00
 BWOF 9+ Specified systems includes 1.5 hours processing


 Building Warrant of Fitness additional charges (second and subsequent reminder letters, time related to notice to fix)          additional time charged at cost recovery rates $200.00
Inspection of building warrant of fitness (Audits) additional time charged at cost recovery rates $200.00
Amendment to a compliance schedule additional time charged at cost recovery rates $200.00
 New Compliance Schedule  additional time charged at cost recovery rates $250.00
Earthquake prone building report/status review, per hour   $200.00
 EQ Engineer assessment (structural)   At cost
Swimming pools
Pool safety audit inspection (includes one hour)
 Pool reinspection or independent qualified pool inspector (IQPI) report review (30 minutes)   $100.00
Perusal fee
Building packet research and/or related tasks, on behalf of others
Cost recovery
Building consent list
List of building consent applications for the year to date per year $86.50
Cost recovery rates
Internal technical officer/expert e.g. Building Officer per hour $220.00

 Internal Technical Officer e.g. senior/manager   $240.00
 Engineer (e.g. fire, structural, geotechnical)   At cost 
 Technical officer - Compliance Officer   $200.00
Administration officer per hour $140.00