Business information

Business land development in Upper Hutt

Got a business Idea? Starting a new business?

Guidance for starting a business:

Useful links and other organisations

Store window displays

Your store window is working for you 24/7. Check out these pages for inspiration to help draw more people to your store. Shopify, CNTraveler.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Learning opportunities and business tools

Other agencies and useful information links:

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Staying connected - local groups to join

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Business crime prevention

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Restricted trading days

What are the restricted trading days:

  • Christmas Day (public holiday)
  • Good Friday (public holiday)
  • ANZAC Day, until 1pm on 25 April (public holiday)
  • Easter Sunday (not a public holiday, but Upper Hutt City Council has an Easter Sunday Policy in place)

Can I open my business on a restricted trading day?

Use this tool to work out if you can open, remember to factor into your decision any extra overheads such as wages and alternative days:

Does the Upper Hutt City Council have any Easter Sunday Trading Policy?

Yes, under the policy, the choice to trade on Easter Sunday rests with each individual shop. For further information visit Easter Sunday Trading Policy

Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 |

Leave and holidays |

Hours and wages |

Sale and supply of liquor on restricted trading days

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Youth and local businesses

There are several ways you can engage with local youth and help ensure local businesses have staff with the skills they need to fulfil future staffing requirements.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact the business team and they'll be happy to help.

Statistics and Data

Upper Hutt City Council has partnered with Infometrics to provide businesses with a snapshot of our local economy and how the city is performing within the region and compared to the rest of New Zealand.

View our statistics and data page.